Urban design & planning
Uncover real data insights that help you design more liveable and connected communities.
How Planwisely can help your project
Deliver better outcomes today
Planwisely’s rich geospatial library and combination of clever tools and functions make it the perfect platform for:
Master plans
Strategic plans
Urban design strategies
Urban design frameworks
Land-use plans
Post-implementation analysis
See how people move through public spaces
Get detailed insights into how people move through an area and how long they stay when they visit.
See where people congregate, identify the busiest times of day to help guide local planning, post-implementation analysis and to better understand when your public space is performing at its best.
View multiple complex datasets to support your projects
Create a deep body of evidence to support plans and strategies by combining spatial datasets within the one map view.
Bring together land use and planning layers, points of interest, demographic and mobility data and more in one place to deliver telling insights that guide your decision-making process.
Create a concept plan for your project
Bring your urban planning or design ideas to life with intuitive drawing tools.
Undertake master planning and create concepts for your project by adding shapes (2D or 3D), icons and text to the map, then instantly export it as an image to tell a dynamic story that communicates your vision for the space.
View detailed and timestamped aerial imagery
View complex spatial data on highly detailed Nearmap or Metromap aerial imagery and see how the urban form has changed over time.
Seamlessly integrate your existing subscription into Planwisely so you can plan, visualise and analyse your project using the right map layer for the job at hand.
Clients using this feature

Want to get started with Planwisely?
Use powerful geospatial datasets to uncover insights, guide your decision-making process and deliver better outcomes for your project today.