Zenith Traffic Estimates
Access Australia's most trusted set of traffic flow estimates for all major metropolitan roads.

Get traffic insights with Zenith Traffic Estimates
What are Zenith Traffic Estimates?
Zenith Traffic Estimates gives Planwisely users up-to-date traffic flow information in a digestible and easy-to-use way.
Underpinned by the proven Zenith Travel Model, Zenith Traffic Estimates are provided by Veitch Lister Consulting (VLC), Australia's leading travel modelling business.
Accurately portrays the when, where, why and how of road travel
Available for all major metropolitan roads
Validated against sourced traffic counts
Make better location decisions
Zenith Traffic Estimates gives you access to traffic flow information that can effectively guide your decision-making process.
Informed by household and demographic profiles of individual suburbs and complex modelling of travel behaviour, Zenith Traffic Estimates allows you to view aggregated daily travel patterns at a glance. Traffic volumes are cleverly displayed on the map, giving you valuable insights for specific roads or areas of interest in any major metro area.
Available for all major metro areas
Zenith Traffic Estimates gives you access to traffic flow estimates on all major Australian metropolitan roads.
This includes North Queensland (Cairns, Townsville, Bowen, Mackay), South East Queensland (Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Toowoomba) and Northern New South Wales, Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong (west to the Blue Mountains), Canberra, Queanbeyan and surrounds, the Melbourne region (including Geelong, Bendigo and Ballarat), Greater Adelaide and Greater Perth.
Built by Australia's leading travel modellers
Zenith Traffic Estimates is built by VLC, who have been Australia's leading experts in transport data and analytics for over 35+ years.
The Zenith Traffic Model, which underpins Zenith Traffic Estimates and was created by VLC, has been used to support the planning of $100bn+ of transport infrastructure across Australia. Plus, unlike publicly available traffic counts, Zenith Traffic Estimates is updated annually - ensuring you get up-to-date traffic flow data to inform your plans and strategies.
Choose between Pro and Advanced
Zenith Traffic Estimates is available in two tiers for you to choose from: Pro and Advanced.
Pro displays traffic as a combined two-way daily volume, with the option to split that number into private and commercial vehicles. Meanwhile, Advanced gives customers refined traffic volumes split by direction of travel, time of day and vehicle type.
Get even deeper insights with Advanced
Uncover deeper traffic insights to make evidence-based decisions with Zenith Traffic Estimates Advanced.
The highest tier of Zenith Traffic Estimates gives you access to highly granular traffic flow data that can effectively drive your decision making. In addition to splitting traffic volumes by direction of travel and the ability to filter them by private and commercial vehicles, you can also view traffic volumes for specific times of day. This includes the AM peak (7-9am), the PM peak (4-6pm) and off-peak hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
We get it, it’s a lot to take in. Here are some of the most common questions we get.
Zenith Traffic Estimates is updated once per year.
Zenith Traffic Estimates is an output of Veitch Lister Consulting's (VLC) Zenith traffic model. Zenith is a strategic travel forecasting model that, using validated behavioural travel data, simulates travel to intelligently estimate travel volumes, times, speeds and more.
Zenith is capable of estimating how many trips people in each household make, the purpose of each journey, where people are travelling, what mode they will take, what time of day they'll make the journey and which route will be taken. This depth of analysis is why Zenith has been used to support the planning of $100bn+ of transport infrastructure across Australia, and it is what gives Zenith Traffic Estimates its high level of precision for traffic volume estimation.
Traffic volume estimates and related travel datasets are useful for a range of industries, including site selection and network planning for retail brands, Out Of Home (OOH) and Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) media assessments and analysis, various urban and transport planning disciplines and more.
Zenith Traffic Estimates is underpinned by the Zenith travel model, which has been used to create $100bn+ of transport infrastructure in the 35+ years since it was created.
The Zenith traffic model is based on behavioural relationships estimated from information given by residents in household travel surveys. This is then calibrated against other available datasets such as travel counts, travel times and public transport passenger surveys, while taking a range of behaviours like trip purposes, trip destinations, mode choice and route choice into account. Zenith's backend complexity and proven robustness are both leveraged to create Zenith Traffic Estimates and its precise estimations of traffic volumes.
Zenith Traffic Estimates represents an average school term day in the year it was released.
Each year's estimates are produced to be the most accurate given available data. Given data available on network details and traffic counts changes in terms of locations each year, comparing individual roads between years can be misleading. For this reason, multiple years are not recommended to be compared in order to understand trends.